Photographic Exhibition Images of Africas

AFRIKA! an exhibition promoted by Cia-Agricoltori Italiani of the province of Ancona, in collaboration with Comune di Senigallia, ASeS, Donne in Campo Marche. A journey made up of 42 shots that take the visitor through a different Africa of colors, stories and culture. Tales that make people forget the Africa of stereotypes, hungry and poor where misery reigns, on the contrary illustrates an area of endless possibilities. A photographic journey that begins in Egypt and touches countries such as Tanzania and Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. That’s the journey of AFRIKA! the exhibition by Luigi P. Carta and Riccardo Morpurgo, on view Oct. 4-9 in Senigallia, at the Expo Gallery-former Giardini della Rocca, Via dei Macelli.
Through distinct paths, Carta and Morpurgo met in Maputo, where they worked for Italian cooperation, after professional experiences that for more than two decades had taken them to work in the four corners of the Continent.

One more attentive to nature, the other with the gaze of the anthropologist, they photographed landscapes, faces, animals, scenes of daily life that become pieces of an extraordinary puzzle, Africa precisely, whose unified design often eludes the understanding of the West. Evocative images of work, dance, song and nature are accompanied by panels explaining the itinerary experienced by the two authors. A path, theirs, that crosses real-life facts with African literature and tales passed down by elders under sacred sycamore and baobab trees.
The stated goal was to help recreate the trust of our societies in African societies, a prerequisite for overcoming the fear of the ‘different,’ the ‘foreigner,’ and for multiplying investments that are true engines of an economic renaissance in Africa. Acknowledging,” commented Maria Giuditta Politi, president of Cia Ancona, “that diversity is not a disvalue but its exact opposite.Without forgetting that Africa is the ‘cradle’ of humanity, but also the land of immense national parks, where the protection of the animal and plant world drives an increasingly responsible tourism that is attentive to the plurality of cultures.”
In her speech, ASeS President Cinzia Pagni spoke about the value of going beyond stereotypes, beyond clichés and learning to see the world with different eyes. A reminder of his of the initiatives that ASeS is pursuing in Africa, projects shared with local authorities designed to guarantee opportunities for growth and development for small local farmers, thus enabling them to have an income and the “bargaining power” to be able to participate actively in the administrative life of the community .