Information on the processing of users’ personal data in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

This information is given, in compliance with Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter: “Regulation”), to the users (hereinafter: “Users” or “User”) of the website in desktop and mobile version, (hereinafter: “Site”) owned by ASeS, based in Rome, Via Emanuele Gianturco 1, in its capacity as the Personal Data Controller (hereinafter: “Data Controller”) and is intended to describe how the Site is managed with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as to allow Site Users to know the purposes and methods of the processing of personal data by the Data Controller in case they are provided.
This document will enable you to learn about our privacy policy to understand how your personal information is handled when you use our services and to enable you, where appropriate, to give express and informed consent to the processing of your personal information in the sections of the site where you are asked to provide personal information.
Information and data provided by you or otherwise acquired as part of the use of the various services of will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and confidentiality obligations.
According to the rules of the Regulations, the processing carried out by ASeS will be based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation and storage, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

1. Data controller

The Data Controller of the processing carried out through the Site is ASeS with headquarters in Rome, Via Emanuele Gianturco, 1 – Tel.+39 06 32687455 e-mail: website: in the person of the President protempore, domiciled for the purpose at the Company’s headquarters.
The updated list of data processors and processors is kept at the registered office of the Data Controller.

2. The personal data being processed

Processing of personal data means any operation or set of operations, whether or not involving automated processes, applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, comparison or interconnection, restriction, erasure or destruction.
Please be advised that the personal data being processed will consist of an identifier such as your name, email address, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, and other data likely to make you identified or identifiable, depending on the type of Services requested (hereinafter only “Personal Data”).

Specifically, the Personal Data processed through the Site are as follows:

a. Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, in the course of their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and computer environment. This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information about the use of the Site and our customers’ sites and to monitor its proper functioning, to identify anomalies and/or abuses, and is deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site or third parties: except for this eventuality, at present the data on web contacts do not persist for more than 7 days and are deleted immediately after their aggregation (except for any need to ascertain crimes by the Judicial Authority).

b. Data voluntarily provided by the data subject
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on the Site entails the subsequent acquisition of the personal data provided.
Accessing and uploading data to the restricted area involves the acquisition of the personal data provided. Data related to the restricted area will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, and upon its termination, for a subsequent period identified as 10 years.

c. Cookie
Cookies are small strings of text sent by the server to the web client (browser) and sent back by the client to the server. Cookies are used to provide a better browsing experience for the User, for technical reasons, and for analysis of site performance. The User has the option to decide not to install cookies or to accept them, as well as to change his decision later.
By way of information, in addition to the blocking of cookies on this site, the User has the option of managing browsing data through the settings relating to the storage of cookies on his or her device by accessing the settings of the browser, or application, and setting the relevant rules.

Technical cookies
This type of cookie allows certain sections of the Site to function properly. They are of two categories: persistent and sessional:

  • persistent: once the browser is closed, they are not destroyed but remain until a preset expiration date
  • Session: they are destroyed each time the browser is closed

These cookies, always sent from our domain, are necessary to properly display the site and in relation to the technical services offered, so they will always be used and sent, unless the user changes the settings in their browser (thus affecting the display of pages on the site).

Analytical cookies
Cookies in this category are used to collect information about site usage. will use this information with regard to anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve the use of the Site and to make the content more interesting and relevant to users’ desires. This type of cookie collects data anonymously about user activity and how they arrived at the Site. Analytical cookies are sent from the Site itself or from third-party domains.

Preference cookies
Cookies in this category allow a website to remember information that affects the way the site behaves or looks, such as preferred language.

Unclassified cookies
Cookies in this category are the cookies that are being classified, along with individual cookie providers.

Analytics cookies from third-party services
These cookies are used in order to collect information about users’ use of the Site anonymously such as: pages visited, time spent, source traffic origins, geographic origin, age, gender, and interests for the purpose of marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third-party domains external to the Site.

Cookies to integrate third-party software products and functions
This type of cookie integrates functionality developed by third parties within the pages of the Site such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks for the purpose of sharing site content or for the use of third-party software services (such as software to generate maps and additional software offering additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and partner sites that offer their functionality between the pages of the Site.

Third-party Web sites and services
The Site may contain links to other Web sites that have their own privacy policies that may differ from those adopted by ASeS and therefore are not responsible for those sites.

Express Consent
Under current Italian law, express User consent is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, “Technical Cookies”, i.e., those used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communication network, or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the User, do not require such consent. These are, therefore, cookies that are essential for the operation of the site or necessary to perform activities requested by the User.
Among technical cookies, which do not require express consent for their use, the Data Protection Authority (see Provision Identification of simplified methods for information and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies of May 8, 2014) also includes:

“Analytics Cookies” where used directly by the site operator to collect information, in aggregate form, about the number of Users and how they visit the site;
Browsing or session cookies (for authentication);
Functionality cookies, which allow the User to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (e.g. language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered to the same.
CAUTION: Disabling technical and/or analytical functionality cookies may result in the Site being unavailable or some services or certain features of the Site may not be available or function properly and some information may require manual input.

List of existing cookies on the site

Necessary Cookies

Technical and analytical TYPE
SERVICE Estimates the speed of the user’s connection on pages with embedded YouTube videos.
EXPIRY 180 days

TYPE Analytical
SERVICE contains a unique ID that is used by Google to store your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language (e.g. Italian)
EXPIRY 180 days

TYPE Technical
SERVICE Used to prevent spam
EXPIRY 180 days

TYPE Analytical
SERVICE Records a unique ID for statistics related to which YouTube videos were viewed by the user

COOKIE NAME yt-remote-cast-installed.
TYPE Technical and analytical
SERVICE Stores user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video

How to disable cookies by browser configuration
If you would like to learn more about how your browser stores cookies as you browse, please follow these links on the sites of the respective providers.

Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Safari 6/7 Mavericks
Safari 8 Yosemite
Safari on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

In any case, you will always be able to delete cookies from your Computer’s hard drive at any time. Remember that if cookies are disabled, not all functions of the site may be available.
At any time, he/she may freely revoke the consent given, without any burden and prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that point, and exercise the following rights of the data subject vis-à-vis the Data Controller as provided for in EU Regulation/2016/679 and Legislative Decree. 196/03, as amended by Leg. 101/2018.

d. Usage data
Data related to the User’s use of the Site may also be collected, such as pages visited, actions taken, features and services used.

3. Purpose of processing.

The Owner informs Users of the Site that the data collected will be lawfully processed in accordance with Art. 6 of the Regulations, and upon your specific consent where necessary, exclusively for the following purposes:

a. Allow browsing and consultation of the website;
b. Respond to requests for assistance or information, which we will receive by e-mail;
c. Send institutional communications in the restricted access area;
d. Develop studies, research, market statistics;
e. Administrative-Accounting: processing of Personal Data, carried out to enable the Owner to manage ordinary and extraordinary operations and fulfill fiscal, tax, social security, administrative and legal obligations in general.
f. Advertising-Promotion: processing of Personal Data and contact details, both by traditional and electronic means of communication (e.g., newsletters, text messages, mail, telephone contacts, social contacts) carried out for the purpose of carrying out market research and analysis and liking and sending advertising material, the forwarding of informative and promotional communications about the activities and services promoted by the Data Controller at any territorial level even different from those initially used by the Interested Party, without prejudice, however, to the possibility for the latter to exercise free of charge the rights of total or partial opposition set forth below.
g. Legal protection: processing of Personal Data, carried out to provide feedback to requests received, exercise and protect the rights and interests of the Data Controller (e.g., for fraud prevention, the Data Controller puts in place an automatic monitoring system that involves the detection and analysis of user behavior on the site associated with the processing of Personal Data including IP address), fulfill the commitments provided in relation to the relationship with the data subjects.
h. For the exclusive purposes of security and prevention of fraudulent conduct.

4. Recipients of personal data

The Personal Data to be provided may be known and used by the Owner’s employees in charge of managing the Site and Users’ requests, for the sole purpose of carrying out the activities that constitute the reason for which the data was collected.

Users’ Personal Data may, in addition, be disclosed to third parties, assigned to lawful processing on behalf of the Data Controller, as Data Processors.
A list of data controllers and data processors is always available at the Controller’s office.

5. Transfers of personal data

Data are processed in the EU. Should extra-EU transfers become necessary, transfers will be made on the basis of an adequacy decision or on Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission.

6. Rights of the data subject

Individuals to whom the personal data refer have the right to request from the Data Controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning them or to object to their processing, as well as the right to data portability.

Users who believe that the management of cookies referred to them through this website occurs in violation of the provisions of the GDPR, have the right to complain to the Guarantor, as provided for in Art. 77 of the GDPR. To exercise their rights, Users may address a request to the following email address: