LOCATION: Italy, north central regions
APPLICANT: CIA – Italian Farmers.

Building on best practices, the project promotes the role of social agriculture as a sustainable, inclusive, quality territorial development capable of counteracting caporalato and constituting a curb on agromafias.

: Consolidate governance and integration of national, territorial, union, agricultural, and TS networks; Ensure migrants’ access to inclusion services in the agricultural sector; Strengthen skills and awareness toward consumption choices; Guide public policies.

: multilevel governance; linking of territorial networks; emersion of undeclared work and integrated intake of migrants; training and capacity building of operators and beneficiaries; intercultural mediation services, orientation, outreaching, information; reconnaissance and assessment; communication and dissemination.
Participatory methodology among territorial, economic actors, intercultural mediators, territorial political and administrative decision makers, multidisciplinary teams.
Bottom up approach to enhance, shape, replicate existing good practices

: CRN and Territorial Governance Hub meeting minutes, 17 mobile units, 12 regional desks, 22 update packages, 17 employability workshops; impact indicators list; data exchange platform, National Analysis Report, Policy Paper; 12 regional seminars, communication plan, website, youtube channel.

: emergence and protection of victims of caporalism, local and national policy change, increased consumption from ethical supply chains (Quality Network).