LOCATION: Curupycayty Location, Municipality of Ita, Central Department
COUNTERPARTY: Committee of parents of pupils supporting the school.

The overall goal of the project was to systematize and rationalize the agricultural knowledge learned in the family by the Curupycayty school children through the creation of a school garden that, in addition to teaching cultivation techniques, would enable vegetable and fruit production to improve the nutrition of the pupils and their families. The specific objectives of the project were:

  • Acquire and fence off land adjacent to the school where to carry out theoretical and practical training;

  • Purchase agricultural tools and seeds;

  • Involve pupils, teachers and parents in establishing and managing the vegetable garden and planting fruit trees: bananas, mangoes, tangerines, oranges, aguacate, etc;

  • Building and equipping a kitchen with a small storage room so as to offer pupils food supplementation.