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On the occasion of World AIDS Day, ASeS – Mozambique took part in an event sponsored by the Manissa District Government, with all local partners in attendance.

The district director of economic and agricultural services, the district director of health and the district director of infrastructure services were present, reflecting the importance of the event.

ASeS received the invitation from district health services and also participated through the support of Xinavane Rural Hospital.

Tents were set up for blood draws and other interventions to demonstrate how HIV is controlled and how Mozambique’s health care system works.

AIDS still has a very high incidence in many countries in Africa on mortality. By itself now, AIDS can be brought under control and those who contract it can lead normal lives, but in countries with non-state-of-the-art health care systems, mortality remains very high.

ASeS for its part set up a table with all the garden produce harvested in the morning together with the SDAE extensionists and was the only NGO involved in agriculture and linking Aids with agriculture.

There were several speeches from various authorities and Daniele Gallo, representative of ASeS was also invited to speak and explained what are the two main points of ASeS’ action regarding HIV:

  • The importance of always thinking about women, who are much more affected by this disease
  • the importance of proper nutrition to live with the virus or to be able to recover completely.

This of World AIDS Day was the only initiative in the whole year where ASeS was invited and not organized by the association, and it was very impressive. The products displayed by ASeS at the event were then delivered to Xinavane Hospital in a symbolic way.

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