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Senegal: cooperation in times of health emergency

Senegal: cooperation in times of health emergency

Following the Covid-19 alert issued by WHO, authorities in Senegal immediately took preventive measures with decrees ordering the temporary closure of schools, airspace, and a ban on demonstrations, rallies, and marches. A decision that prompted many businesses to work remotely while many locals opted to close. A state of emergency was proclaimed on March 23, and the following were ordered: a curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.; restriction of movement between regions; and a ban on meetings and gatherings in public spaces.

According to government sources, there are 105 infected as of March 26 but they are increasing day by day. The first 10 cases detected were European or Senegalese returnees from Europe; today the positives are natives. The Ministry of Health informs that they have been set up, nationwide, four COVID-19 treatment centers in order to totally isolate hospitalized patients. It is absolutely essential and urgent to try to contain the spread of the virus, and this is to avoid the collapse of the Senegalese health system that is totally unprepared to respond to this emergency. Of particular concern are reports coming from the local press that predict 1,500 to 1,600 new infections in the coming days.

Reports reaching us indicate that pharmaceutical supplies and basic necessities are guaranteed in densely populated areas while rural areas would be in extreme need. To cope with the economic repercussions, a 1 trillion-franc solidarity fund was also established to support the economy and help the hardest hit sectors such as hotels, catering, transportation, culture and the press. Pending surely more restrictive measures, citizens are being required to work from home, and this is to ensure essential services. A request that, as ASeS, we immediately accepted and respected while trying not to lose touch with our people and the most vulnerable groups in rural areas.

Since all travel is prohibited our activities are carried out by following, strictly, the imposed measures: we avoid going out, when it is absolutely essential we do so by following the anti-contamination rules, while any necessary meetings are held inside the office. Currently we have decided to stop all community animation activities, which we will resume as soon as possible after this health emergency is over.

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