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Training: fundamental tool for the success of any project

Training is one of the key moments for the success of our project


Transferring good agricultural practices to countries where ASeS has a branch office is among our main goals. We believe that sustainable farming techniques can contribute, in part, to overcoming the internal difficulties of these areas. We want to increase food security, combat malnutrition, limit damage from climate change, and ensure income for farmers by incentivizing the use of tools that do not compromise sustainable development goals.

Only through such pathways will these people be able to access work and improve their standard of living while also integrating into world markets. Pursuing this goal in February, a first-level full immersion in improved organic-traditional farming techniques was held in the Xinavane-Maputo community garden. It was a busy and well-attended day under the expert guidance of our agronomist technician who imparted notions of best practices in order to help promote sustainable agriculture and improve environmental and social development. Involved in the project are the five laborers who make up the ASeS field team in Mozambique. A starting point and not an ending point because the training will be replicated in the next month, at which time the farmers themselves will transfer the techniques learned to the project’s beneficiaries.


Videos testifying to the different stages of the training follow


Identification and cleaning of space set aside for nurseries

Preparation of furrows for laying seed

Seed laying

Cover with organic material to increase soil moisture and protect shoots from direct sun.

It should be emphasized that these training moments are designed to ensure the transfer of knowledge that does not require tools or materials to be purchased and, therefore, is accessible and usable without requiring a financial commitment. The choice of transferring this knowledge and from the implementation of “open-air nursery-laboratories” is due to the fact that, these techniques, allow maximum seed yield, are extremely simple in processing and control of the germination stage.

During the field trip, an analysis was also done on the depth and volume of water that can be accumulated; in fact, the possibility of opening artisanal wells similar to the one on video to irrigate the community field is under consideration.

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