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Women’s Agriculture. Improving the living conditions of local communities through women’s cooperatives

approved by the Board on 24.11.15, on 27.11.15 the
PROJECT “Women’s Agriculture. Improving the living conditions of local communities through women’s cooperatives.”
PLACE: Djafga,Mazan, Kaelé, Bembel and Midjivin – Mayo Kani Province- Far North Region
DURATION: 12 months
APPLICANT: ComitéDiocésaindesActivités Socio-Caritatives (CODAS-CARITAS)
LOCAL PARTNER: The Women’s Cooperatives present in each of the five villages involved.

Share borne by the Waldensian Table (8‰ office) € 26.000,00 47,95%
Fee charged to the(CODAS-CARITAS) € 3.080,00 5,68%
Fee charged to ASeS – Solidarity and Development Association € 25.140,00 46,37%
TOTAL € 54.220,00 100,00%

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