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Support for the production and marketing of cash crops

Project “Supporting the production and marketing of income products”
DRAFT approved by resolution of the B. of A. of ASeS on 24.11.15
LOCATION: Hamlets of Concepción, PotreritoYbaté and Santo Angel, Distr. San Patricio, Dipartim.Misiones
DURATION: 12 months (project end date December ’16)
LOCAL PARTNER: Servicio de Accion Social of the Presidency of the Republic of Paraguay.
Santa Margarita Industry

Fee charged to ASeS – Solidarity Development Association € 40.000,00 29,85%
Servicio de Accion Social – Presidency of the Repubbl. of Paraguay € 64.000,00 47,76%
Santa Margarita Industry € 30.000,00 22,39%
TOTAL € 134.000,00 100,00%


In recent years, after improving the quality and quantity of agricultural production in the Misiones Region with the creation of the Agroindustria Rural Giuseppe Politi, the ASeS program, which began in 2004, has been involving not only regional but also national public institutions. In December 2014 ASeSha signed a framework cooperation agreement with the SERVICIO DE ACCION SOCIAL (SAS) of the Presidency of the Republic of Paraguay. Considering that SAS and ASeS have been working for years in the Misiones Region, the possibility arose to carry out an initial pilot project by including producers from the San Patricio area, where SAS seeks to develop a program called Tenonderà, also including a private industry (Santa Margarita). The national government through the Tenonderà program seeks to ensure that farm families who are helped economically can generate their own income by coming to an economic and social balance with production alternatives. This program provides technical training for farmers along with financial assistance. Therefore, ASeS/SAS collaboration in the project consists of supporting 40 farming families in the San Patricio area (Misiones) where ASeS and SAS are not present. The goal is to develop income-producing economic activities and to include families in the Producers Association promoted by ASeS with the MisionesMenosPobreza project.Forty families of agricultural producers in three hamlets of the Municipality of San Patricio(Concepciòn, PotreritoYbate and Santo Angel) interested in developing a small farm business were selected. Therefore, SAS offers financial help to families to start the business. To be borne by ASeS will be the overall coordination of the project, production assistance and marketing by placing San Patricio families within the Misionesmenospobreza structure, specifically, the A.PRO.FFRU.HI.M promoted by ASeS. Rural Giuseppe Politi agroindustry will serve the project, and the available land will be used as an experimental farm for hands-on training of farmers. The private industry Santa Margarita, which specializes in the processing and marketing of medicinal herbs,having the certificate from the Ministry of Health for meeting the requirements for the certificate of “Buenaspracticas de Fabricacion y Control,” will deliver 4500 medicinal herb seedlings (mint, burrito, ajeno and cedron) to each family.

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