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Creation of a rural committee for the defense of human rights in the municipality of Santa Rosa Misiones Paraguay in support of the Higher Technical Institute for Human Rights ‘Silvano OrtelladoFlores’

approved by the Board on 24.11.15, on 27.11.15 the
PROJECT “Creation of a rural committee for the defense of human rights in the municipality of Santa Rosa Misiones Paraguay in support of the Higher Technical Institute for Human Rights ‘Silvano OrtelladoFlores'”
LOCATION: Municipality of Santa Rosa-Department of Misiones
DURATION: 12 months
APPLICANT: ASeS – Solidarity and Development Association
LOCAL PARTNER: Pastoral social de Misiones Paraguay


Share borne by the Waldensian Table (8‰ office) € 30.000,00 48,39%
Co-financing share borne by CIA Venice € 2.000,00 3,23%
Fee charged to ASeS – Solidarity and Development Association € 30.000,00 48,39%
TOTAL € 62.000,00 100,00%

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