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Food safety project

PROJECT AMS/451 2003/58903

LOCATION: Bandundu district, Bandundu, Kenge and Bagata communes, Democratic Republic of Congo

COUNTERPARTY: Diocese of Kenge.

FUNDING: 1,800,000

The project aimed to improve food security in the intervention area through measures directed at increasing agricultural production in the 152 localities identified in the Diocese of Kenge and initiating trade in agricultural products between this area and neighboring regions.

About 7,000 farming families in the above 152 localities directly benefit from the action. The benefits, by virtue of the institutional strengthening achieved, extend to the population of the affected localities, estimated at around 748,000.

The areas of focus concern:
– Improvement of agricultural-rural roads through the rehabilitation and maintenance of 1,136 km of trails;
– the multiplication of improved seeds and seedlings for the agricultural sector and the use of genetically selected breeding males for the animal sector;
– Improving marketing systems between the intervention area and the city of Kinshasa;
– Institutional strengthening through the activation of a permanent rural animation structure.

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